Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions (scroll down for cue card) INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS: QUESTION 1: What kind of clothes do you like to wear? ANSWER: I usually go for comfortable and casual clothes like T-shirts. QUESTION 2: Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes? ANSWER: I

Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions Read More »

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (Hindi) very well

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (Hindi) very well (scroll down for cue card) INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS: QUESTION 1: Do you often use maps?ANSWER: Yeah, I use maps quite often! They’re super helpful for finding my way around new places. QUESTION 2: Do you use paper maps?ANSWER: I don’t really use paper maps anymore

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (Hindi) very well Read More »

Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about

Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about (scroll down for cue card) INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: QUESTION 1: Is fishing popular in your country? ANSWER: Fishing is quite popular in my country. Many people enjoy it as a recreational activity or as a way to provide

Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about Read More »

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of (scroll down for cue card) INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS: QUESTION 1.Do you like chatting with friends? ANSWER: Yeah, I love chatting with friends! It’s a great way to stay connected and have fun. QUESTION 2.What do you usually chat about with friends? ANSWER:

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of Read More »

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