9. Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about

ANSWER:  Personally, I prefer a quieter place where I can relax.

ANSWER: The area where I live has a mix of noises like traffic, birds chirping, and occasional construction sounds.

ANSWER:  I’m quite content where I am, but I can understand the appeal of a quieter place.

ANSWER:  It’s definitely a subjective topic, but I think noise levels have increased with urbanization and technology.

ANSWER: Noise can be seen as a form of expression, but it’s important to consider the impact on others too.

Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about

 The area of science I’m interested in is robotics. I’m really fascinated by the field of robotics!

 Robotics involves designing, building, and programming robots to perform tasks and interact with their environment.

  I first became interested in robotics after watching movies like “Wall-E” and “Transformers.” These movies showcased the potential of robots and sparked my curiosity about the field. The idea of creating machines that can think, move, and interact like humans or animals is absolutely mind-blowing to me.

I gather information about robotics from various sources. I read online articles, follow scientific journals, and participate in tech forums to stay updated on the latest advancements and discoveries in robotics. What captivate me about robotics are the endless possibilities it holds for improving our lives, from assisting in healthcare to exploring outer space.

  I’m fascinated by robotics because it combines engineering, programming, and creativity to create machines that can mimic human or animal behaviour. The possibilities of robotics are endless, from improving healthcare to exploring new frontiers in space. It’s an exciting field that holds great potential for shaping the future.

  1. Fascinated: means really interested or intrigued by something.
  • Robotics: is about designing, building, and programming robots.
  • Engineering:  is using science and math to create practical solutions.
  • Programming:  is writing instructions for computers or robots.
  • Creativity: is the ability to think in new and unique ways.
  • Potential: means the possibilities or opportunities for something.
  • Applications: in this context refers to the different ways robotics can be used.
  • Sparked: to cause the start of something

ANSWER:  Some children may not enjoy learning science at school because they might find it difficult to understand or relate to. It could also depend on the teaching methods used or their personal interests. Finding engaging and hands-on ways to explore science can help make it more enjoyable for them.

ANSWER:  All science subjects are important for children to learn, as they each offer unique perspectives and knowledge. However, subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics are often considered fundamental as they cover the basic principles of life, matter, and energy.

ANSWER:  Absolutely! Continuing to study science after graduating from school can open up exciting career opportunities and allow for further exploration of scientific concepts. It also helps in staying updated with the latest advancements and discoveries in various scientific fields.

ANSWER: I stay updated on scientific news by following science websites, reading scientific journals, and keeping an eye on science-related social media accounts. It’s always fascinating to learn about new discoveries and breakthroughs!

ANSWER: Yes, scientists should definitely explain the research process to the public! It helps promote transparency, understanding, and trust in scientific endeavours. Sharing information about research methods, findings, and limitations can empower the public to make informed decisions and appreciate the value of scientific work.

1. Fascinating: Very interesting or captivating.

2. Engaging: Interesting and enjoyable, able to hold one’s attention.

3. Hands-on: Involving active participation or practical experience.

4. Fundamental: Basic or essential.

5. Advancements: Progress or improvements made in a particular field.

6. Breakthroughs: Significant discoveries or achievements that push the boundaries of knowledge.

7. Transparency: Openness and honesty in sharing information.

8. Limitations: Restrictions or boundaries that exist within a particular context.

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