1. Describe a job that you think is interesting.

  • How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?
    I often check myself in the mirror before leaving home to ensure I look good, as it boosts my confidence.
  • Have you ever bought mirrors?
    I’ve purchased mirrors multiple times, both for myself and for my family members. Additionally, whenever I come across an appealing mirror while shopping, I like to buy it for decoration purpose in my home.
  • Would you use Mirrors to decorate rooms?  
    Yes, absolutely; I would love to use various kinds of mirrors to design my whole house because I consider that mirrors add up more to the beauty of any place.
  • Do you check yourself when you decide to buy a mirror?
    I have a habit of testing any equipment before buying it. This applies to mirrors as well. I check if the mirror is proper and if my reflection is accurate. The most important thing I look for is any dents or scratches on the mirror.
  • Do you wear a watch?
    Wearing watches is an essential part of my daily routine. It helps me keep track of time and stay punctual. Additionally, wearing a watch also gives me a sense of confidence and professionalism. Out of all the watch brands I have tried, Tissot stands out as my favorite. I love the impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail put into every Tissot watch. The sleek design and superior functionality make Tissot watches an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and stylish timepiece.
  • Have you ever got a watch as a gift?
    I’ve been gifted watches multiple times by my friends and family, and I feel fortunate to have received them. On my previous birthday, my friend Rajeev gave me a Fossil watch, which I absolutely love
  • Why do some people wear expensive watches?
    I think, the most important reason why someone wants to wear a luxury timepiece is to demonstrate that they can afford it. They use it to show off their wealth and perhaps a social status.
  • Do you think it is important to wear a watch? Why?
    I don’t think a watch is necessary for everyone anymore. With smartphones being so common, many people feel that they can replace a watch with their phone. However, for certain professions, such as doctors, a watch is still an important tool. Also watches can be used as a tool for timing events, such as a marathon or a swim meet.
  • What is it?
  • Why do you think it is interesting?
  • How do you know it?
  • What necessary skills does it need?
pexels photo 5560057 - Describe a job that you think is interesting.

In this contemporary era, it has become essential to find a suitable job that matches one’s skills. I strongly believe that job satisfication leads to better performance at work. All jobs are intriguing depending on an individual’s interests. However, I personally find the teaching profession quite fascinating.

Teachers are like second parents to children, who help them grow and guide them towards the right path. Since my childhood, I have always dreamt of becoming a renowned teacher and offering my helping hand to underprivileged students. There is an individual who has inspired me greatly and given me a unique perspective on this profession. His name is Rajeev Thakur.

He is an excellent teacher who knows how to create interest in studies among his students. He is a kind and optimistic person who never loses his cool even when students ask him questions about their studies. He is a perfect example of one of the best teachers. He has proven that a teacher is like a candle that burns itself to light the way for others. As a teacher, he not only imparts knowledge to his students but also learns new things from them, situations, and experiences. He works hard to ensure that his students get the best possible education.

In my opinion, a good teacher should have excellent subject knowledge, communication skills, a kind heart, and good listening skills. A benevolent teacher can teach students without burdening their minds, while a good listener can handle problems better. To sum up, teaching is an interesting job, and everyone has their own views on it.

1. What jobs are popular among younger people in India?
Lots of young people these days are really into IT and social media gigs. It’s pretty common to see them setting up their own channels on YouTube and Instagram, and they’re not just doing it for fun – they see it as a legit career path. you’ll find numerous influencers who have gained fame from social media. Apart from this, many youngsters are persuing their careers in sports too.

2. What are the differences between high-paid jobs and low-paid jobs in India?
High-paying jobs and low-paying jobs differ in several ways. In India, highly educated and mentally capable individuals hold positions such as supervisors and managers, which come with a higher status and benefits such as bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, , accommodation and travel allowances. However, these jobs require responsibility and decision-decision-constant work. In contrast, low-paying jobs typically involve physical labor such as plumbing, carpentry, and woodcutting. These workers can perform their duties according to their preferences without pressure.

3. What is the proper time for young people to plan their future career seriously?
Successful individuals understand the value of planning ahead. The ideal time to commence career planning is during the late teenage years or early adulthood. By taking ownership of your future and identifying your long-term career goals, you can ensure that you are on the right path to success. By initiating career planning early on, you increase your chances of being prepared for unexpected events and opportunities as they arise.

4. Which jobs have the highest salaries?
From my perspective, the most lucrative professions in my region are those within the fields of engineering, medicine, computer programming, and banking. These industries have greatly expanded in recent years, leading to substantial financial gain. Moreover, the expertise required for these roles is highly sought after. In times of economic prosperity and a shortage of qualified candidates to fill these positions, it’s obvious that their remuneration reflects their value.

5. Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?
People who work in some of the most important jobs we depend on, like masons, sewage managers, water engineers, teachers, and police officers, are often paid much less than they deserve. These skilled and dedicated professionals work hard to ensure our safety, education, and wellbeing, yet they’re not compensated fairly. It’s time we recognize the value of their contributions and pay them accordingly.

6. Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to students?
Indeed, career guidance in secondary schools is a critical factor for students to explore their potential career paths, understand the prerequisites of different professions, and make informed decisions about their future education and career trajectories. It is a crucial step towards empowering students with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the ever-changing job market and secure a fulfilling career. With the right guidance, students can unlock their true potential and achieve their goals.

  • Exotic=originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country; strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance.

Example: The travellers were excited to explore the exotic markets of Marrakech.

  • Majesty=impressive beauty, scale, or dignity.

Example: The majesty of the mountain range left us in awe.

  • Grace=simple elegance or refinement of movement; courteous goodwill. 

Example: The ballerina moved with effortless grace across the stage

  • Breathtaking=astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one’s breath away.

Example: The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely breathtaking.

  • Perseverance=persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Example: With perseverance and hard work, she was able to overcome the challenges and achieve her goals.

  • Terrain= a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.

Example: The hikers carefully navigated the rocky terrain.

  • Responsibility=The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

Example: It is a position of great responsibility.

  • Alertness=The quality of being alert or quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances.

Example: One has to be not only physically fit but also very alert mentally.

  • Flexibility=The quality of bending easily without breaking.

Example: The flexibility of schedule requires one to be able to adjust to new work timings all the time.

  • Stress=A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.

Example: This may cause stress to some.

  • Fascinating=extremely interesting. 

Example: The documentary about the deep sea was absolutely fascinating.

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